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Performance indicators will be implemented for heads of scientific institutions — MES
Performance indicators will be implemented for heads of scientific institutions — MES
11 06 2024
The Verkhovna Rada adopted in the first reading the draft law on establishing key performance indicators (KPI) for the activity of heads of scientific institutions and a new approach to work.

According to the Ministry of Education and Science, the key idea is the establishment of specific goals, results and effective management in the scientific field, as well as ensuring the renewal and rejuvenation of management personnel.

Currently, the Law «On Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activities» lacks approaches to evaluating the work of heads of state scientific institutions.

Therefore, the main indicators of the work of heads of scientific institutions will be implemented in the new draft law.

In order to assess how efficiently these institutions work, the draft law provides for the mandatory development of strategies and directions for their development, including attracting grant funds for the development of a scientific institution and increasing the number of young scientists, particularly in managerial positions.

The draft law will help scientific institutions to ensure further development, improve management and implement new innovative ideas. For researchers, the adoption of a decision will aim to expand the influence on the trajectory of the development of a scientific institution.
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